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Business Lessons from a Founder

I have worked with and learned from amazing people on my journey – let's build together.

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My Mock Death is Today

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Bob Clark standing on a rocky mountain

The concept of earning is an instinct of mine

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My first job was stamping cans at a little grocery market in exchange for candy at about 10 years old. The concept of earning was an early instinct of mine.

During my teen years, I had a car wash on my home driveway, after which I started doing small painting and odd jobs at neighbors’ homes for extra money, but mainly to avoid mowing my own yard by paying the kid down the street to do it. I could make more money doing the other jobs, which allowed me to pay him very little to do something I didn’t want to do that was much more time-consuming. Looking back, that was an entrepreneurial experience.

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Rising into the Unknown

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two men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a painting