When you’re in the business of building communities, you must ensure that the community you have behind you has the right values in place – and Clayco’s partner companies are the best of the best!
Lamar Johnson Collaborative never ceases to amaze me with its incredible landscape architecture, planning and urban design, most recently with its work on the one-mile stretch of the Brickline Greenway in my hometown, St. Louis!
This impressive development reaches from Harris-Stowe State University to the St. Louis CITY SC Stadium and is one part of the LJC-designed Brickline Greenway, which adds up to 20 miles of pathways that link up to 17 neighborhoods.
Adjacent to this section of the Brickline is a public art installation, “Pillars of the Valley,” from St. Louis resident and nationally acclaimed artist Damon Davis. Davis’ work honors Mill Creek Valley, a predominantly Black neighborhood whose residents were displaced during the city’s demolition of the Midtown area in the late 1950s.
LJC did an excellent job on this project upholding the client, Great Rivers Greenway’s, mission: to ensure that the path sparks equitable economic development and creates a vibrant space for people to gather, explore, and connect.
Great work, as always! I can’t wait to see how this new development revitalizes the community.